In the name of Jesus, by the power of the precious Blood of Jesus, by the power of the suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Trinity dwelling within me, by the power of the Risen Lord seated at the right hand of the Father, in the Holy name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit using the authority given to me by Jesus and the power of his precious word.

I bind you Spirit of wickedness and all other powers of evil that are in me, I command you to get out from me and surrender to the Lord Jesus, and never more to return to me. May the Lord Jesus crush you, Satan and all your demons under his feet and cast you into the bottomless pit, because I am the child of the father, I am the body of Christ, I am the temple of the Holy Spirit, I am called to the resurrection. I have been purchased by the Precious Blood of the Jesus and I am to glorify God in my Body. Therefore you have no right over me, my family and my household. As for me and my household we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)

I ask pardon of the Lord for all the sins of my ancestors, parents and relatives. I surrender them to Jesus on the cross. I ask pardon for all my sins and firmly resolve to forgive all those who have hurt me. May the, precious Blood of the Lord Jesus cleanse me from all my sins and redeem me from the bondage of unforgiveness, curse and sin.

(First Para is to repeated after every Prayer for deliverance)

I command you the spirit of selfishness, stubbornness, self-glory, rejection, un-wanted to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command your spirit of anger, bitterness, dislike, hatred, unforgiveness, revenge and murder to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of anxiety, worry, and tension, discouragement, timidity, frustration, and disappointment, suicide tendency to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit fear, shocks, inferiority complex, and nervousness, to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of lust, masturbation, and homosexuality, fornication, adultery, rape, prostitution, and incest, seduction to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of lust coming to me through thought, word and action, through my eyes, ears, nose, tongue and sense of touch, hands and feet and sexual organs, to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of worldliness, addiction to drinks, smoking, tobacco, drugs, games, music, videos, internet, and mobile-phones to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of attachment to persons and things to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of craving for name, fame, power, and position, wealth to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of laziness, gluttony, pride, boasting, arrogance, jealousy, vain glory, comparison and partiality to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of idolatry, witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, Superstition beliefs, necromancy, attending Poojas, astrology, horoscope, palm reading, burying occult things and all evil associations to get out of me and never to come back to me.

I command you spirit of judging others, accusing, blaming, vulgar talk, cheating, stealing to get out of me and never to come back to me.

Lord Jesus, wash me and clean me with your precious blood; especially my Unconscious mind, subconscious mind, heart and conscience, memory and imagination, feelings and emotions, intellect and will.

Lord Jesus wash me with your precious Blood, my brain, nervous systems, blood streams, flesh and bones and my internal organs, my eyes, ears, nose sense of touch tongue and mouth, hands, feet my sexual organs.

Send to me from the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the spirit of truth the spirit of Holiness, Holy Spirit give me your gifts of wisdom, knowledge counsel, understanding, fortitude, piety and fear of God.

O Holy Spirit give your fruits of love; joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness faithfulness, generosity and self-control give me the charismatic gifts of word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy, discernment gifts of healing, working miracles, faith, casting out demons, gifts of tongues and all other gifts to build up the Christian community and for the glory of the Father Amen.


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