New Year’s Thanksgiving Prayer

Heavenly Father, in this solemn moment, when one more year has ended and we stand on the threshold of a new one, we come to you with sentiments of love and gratitude, wishing to thank You with a sincere heart for all the blessings and graces, You have so generously granted us during the last twelve months.

Yes, we have received much from your goodness this past. Year, both for our spiritual and temporal welfare. But what returns have we done to you for all this? Alas! We have instead greatly sinned against your fatherly love and care for us. Like prodigal children we have often run away from you and spurned your loving invitation to repentance and a change of heart. Following the enticements of the world and the cravings of the flesh we have often forgotten the dignity of our Christian calling.

Grant mankind peace and order, so badly shattered by war, vengeances and injustice. Make all men love one another as members of one same family. Make them realize that they are all brothers redeemed by the same precious blood of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and destined for the same eternal happiness.

We ask you all this in the name of Jesus Your Son, who with you and in the unity of the Holy Spirit lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Mother of God, be a Mother to me!


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